Friday, August 7, 2009

[Insert Title Here]

God, it's been too long...
After my final goodbye to WAR I kinda fell into a hole of MMO vacuum. There is just nothing to eagerly expect and nothing exciting to play. Well for me at least. WoW is still the big dog and I have to admit, it is the MMO. I've got to hand it to Blizzard, they are twisting and stretching the game to make it something more than just a PvE game, where phat epics make you king. PvP is getting some love. Even though Lake Wintergrasp is essentially a BG now, thus proving that massive PvP encounters are to big of a task for the devs, WoW is much much more PvP viable. Just don't try to shift the focus. Let WoW be WoW. And please, don't make the Icecrown Citadel into a the Land of the Dead. Or make it a PvP objective. And piss off the hardcore raiders that can't do jack in PvP.

What I want from Blizzard is more BGs, more Wintergrasps and more PvP-gear. I want ranks, different sets and maybe even trophies. Why not? Would it be such a big deal to just provide entertainment for both PvP- and PvE-players? I mean really, there isn't much to do at 80 except raiding, which I don't really enjoy. I don't know what's wrong with me, I just can't get myself down to doing it. I may want the loot, but the thought of spending 4 hours in an instance killing dolls just depresses me. So I focused on my PvP-gear and spent a ton of gold on enchants and stuff.

It is funny actually. I'm constantly demanding things from Blizzard. That doesn't really make me too different from the constantly nagging WoW-geeks, that are always pissed at some kind of imbalance in the classes. Oh, by the way - Paladins are still rolling their faces through BGs. I want some of that on my mage ;). I guess, what I really want from Blizzard is to come up with something so ground-breaking in their secret MMO, that it'll make me wish to spend my Friday night and the whole weekend indoors. I want the feeling of excitement, a new toy to make me jump all over the house in joy. Warhammer was that toy, but it ultimately turned out to be more of a disappointment than anything else.

I'm all over the place in this post. Well I just need to get myself back on track with MMOs and some real life issues in general. So I just hurled some thoughts indiscriminately (like I always do, but I like to think that I'm actually thinking stuff over before posting). The blog is going to be more just a big rant about WoW or WAR, I'm going to rant about real life too now. Maybe I'll intertwine RL with MMOs somehow - we'll see.

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