Saturday, April 18, 2009

Patch 3.1 and stuff

Patch 3.1 brought some joy and sorrow to WoW-fans. I've heard loads of complaining about server issues, countless bugs and so on. I was fortunate enough not to encounter any major problems. I only had to update my only mod - bartender.
Dual spec is a blast! I feel so flexible playing my mage. I'm now arcane/frost for the price of one. And I can choose to AoE mobs to death or blast single ghouls with arcane missiles. Unfortunately I am behind with my gear, so I can't check out Ulduar. But it is just one instance and this patch is so much more than that. A bit of whining ahoy.
A ton of tweaks and changes for death knights and just a bit for the mages. We get more mana regeneration, which makes me happy both on frost and arcane. Plus Mage Armor is much more useful now with 50% mana regen while casting. Less drinking for me. Unfortunately mages still got no spell power improvements and are still beaten by warlocks in the game of damage dealing, while still being the squishiest class of them all. I can understand frost mages being underpowered with their Frostbolts, accounting for the high level of security and great crowd control. I don't really know if it is me being so used to Ice Barrier or is it the arcane spec but with arcane in dungeons I tend to be killed the second I realise that I'm being attacked. Mana Shield isn't getting the job done to my mind. Although I get a whole lot of resistance to magical stuff, so it is arcane against the "mage bosses".
As for the non-patch agenda, Lake Wintergrasp is really fun (as much fun as you can get without collision detection). Riding on a tank and spamming Frostbolts and AoE Blizzards upon the heads of the foes is so pleasant, especially if you have your guildmate driving. Frost spec is so for PvP. The Water Elemental has so much utility with his ranged Frost Nova. And again AoE Blizzard. Just herd'em up close to each other and see the magic happening.
Lake Wintergrasp is an awesome thing to implement and I look forward to more of the Alterac Valley type of innovations.

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