Monday, April 27, 2009


I was definitely going to finish the event and get a title at some point in time. But, as it often turns out, I was too lazy to devote several hours of my weekend to trying to snatch eggs from other bunnies. Season events in WoW just don't get me going. Clicking on a hundred or so eggs, finding mates for your pets, planting flowers in deserts...booooring. Yeah, I think I have a couple of extra hours of my life to waste on some Easter festivity in a non-existing world.

I actually like the Warhammer approach to holiday events. "Xmas is coming, people! Let us all kill each other!" Now that is fun. It is actually one of the few features of the game that I still like. I just wish WoW could have the same brutal and yet funny way of celebrating. I want squid pies in my foes' faces! Don't make me blow kisses or eat chocolate eggs all day, make me go to Lake Wintergrasp and throw Easter egg-bombs at people.

I have to admit that making holiday events not just a PvE waste of time (not that PvE itself is a waste of time, rather the egg clicking is) in a PvE game is not an easy thing to do. You can't really rush people to do instance runs, because some players just can't afford it, and Blizzard has to think of non-instance-goers too. PvP objectives (which I would prefer) are even less likely to be accessible to the majority of the players. So I guess that the only way of structuring the events is the way it is done today. Boring, "there and back again", "gather ten this and eat ten that" quests. Simply because that way most of the players can finish them.

But why not give the players and alternative? Give the PvE players their gathering quests and the PvP players their killing quests. I'd rather search for eggs in Lake Wintergrasp than in Kharanos. And the eggs should be explosive!

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