Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wanna Be the Best Around

After the introduction of the Slayer and the Choppa I expected to see loads and loads of the two around the starting areas. Which is not surprising. But my astonishment had no bounds when I stated to meet Slayers in Altdorf two days after the event. Big deal right? But seeing Slayers in their 20s two days after the event is completely "WTF?!". I understand, people were so eager to play the new classes in their Tiers that they just had to play them no-stop for two days. But seriously. Do some "mmo-enthusiasts" even pick their butts up from the chairs? I remember a similar impression when there was an announsement on WoWs general chat about some orc who was the first one on the server to get to 80. Again 2 (or 3) days into the game.
Personally I always was kind of to shy to have the best gear or to be the first one on the server to get to a certain level. To have an awesome character is a good thing of course, it means that you are devoted to your dwarf or orc or whatever and you can set aims and reach them. However there is a fine line between being good at the game and being a nerd. Playing your character 10 hours a day is just freaky. If you want to impress people in an mmo you are probably at the wrong place. I admit - some kids will praise you for your leet skills, but is putting real life aside and playing like crazy (and probably having no fun in the process) really worth it? You are just showing everybody around that you spend to much time in front of your computer, that you have no life and that your priorities in life are screwed up.

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